Background & Inspirations
While modern social norms and popular mediums of music consumption offer a wide range of availability to international audiences, they unfortunately create a false sense of artistic significance and individuality for many listeners.
Within modern realms of social media especially, musical/artistic trends are commonly established through the widespread perception of what society dictates as popular at any given point in time - rather than the actual content of the project itself. As a result, the musical taste of our youngest generation is obstructed by the lens that social media (and the perceived majority of society) has given them. Many of these young listeners are unlikely to explore and appreciate the full extent of the musical world neither past nor present, because they are afraid to go against the grain of popular culture.
Portraying music through this narrow lens of “popular culture” and momentary fame, social media (specifically Twitter and TikTok) sadly diminishes the essence of our personal connection to music - as well as the musical and visual beauty that thousands
of artists create each day.
While many members of the youngest generation today would rather download a mainstream song that went viral overnight - than the less popular song that truly speaks to them - modern spheres of media have regrettably begun to dictate the widespread popularity of music. In attempt to reverse this flawed dynamic of music consumption, we aim to create a community where both fans and artists can unite under a mutual celebration of true artistic talent.
In our opinion, consumption of music should always reflect a personal love and excitement for the art itself. We must acknowledge the reality that modern art - especially HipHop - would not be the industry it is today without 20th century inspirations from various genres of music. While one is exploring a newly released album on Apple Music or Spotify, they should listen to the entire album - not just the select few songs with a star beside them.